ATPad is a simple Notepad replacement. Tabbed environment, customizable editor, lines numbering. Keeping last sessions, bookmarks. Reloading documents "on-demand", outer changes tracking, sending documents as attachments and portability.
Text ProcessingLicense
GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)Follow ATPad
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User Reviews
Byte4Byte, imho, THE best programmers notepad replacement! Its 90kb stand-alone UPX (max setting) re-packed! Thats smaller than notepad itself. Never make it bigger plz, just more optimized I have made a win 10 fix for rare issues (compatability: run as admin, disable full screen optimizations, that is it) *UPX fixed Win10 studders I posted it here: Under "ATPad"
The most advanced of the simple plain editors. Highly recommended.
Very good Software.
Thats what i was looking for.